August 2021
Dear Parents,
We hope this finds you well. We are excitedly planning for our upcoming year of Religious Education! At this time, our hope and plan are for in-person learning. Of course, we will be watching the COVID-19 data, as well as any updates and guidelines from the Archdiocese, and if plans must change, we will be fully prepared to transition to a different learning environment.
A very heartfelt THANK YOU goes out to all our families for their patience and understanding last year throughout the pandemic as well as with Alison’s husband’s health crisis. Your support and prayers were, and still are, truly appreciated!
Considering the challenges and difficulties we all faced due to COVID, and the fact that we were not in the classrooms, we feel that it is fair and just to lower the tuition for this year only. You will see a 50% discount listed on the informational sheet with the application. We do have expenses that must be met, including textbooks, classroom supplies, online programing, sanitation supplies, protective gear, etc. We hope that the discount allows families to come back to the program without the worry of higher costs.
Families may choose if they want their child to repeat the past year. We will be providing a “catch-up packet” to students in October which will contain important topics from the curriculum of the grade level they were in last year. It is information to be reviewed at home as a family. You will be asked to choose whether you wish to repeat or advance on the registration form. Once again, this is only an option for this year due to the extenuating circumstances last year.
Students entering the second-grade this fall will receive a Sacramental Preparation calendar at the beginning of the school year. Please note the dates as attendance is mandatory. This is an exciting year as our youth prepares for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. They will be blessed with God’s forgiveness and love this year! Please keep them in your prayers.
Classes will begin on Wednesday, October 13th. Please have your registration forms turned in by September 10th. Payment MUST be submitted with the registration forms. They may be placed in an envelope marked Religious Education and put in the collection basket, dropped in the black mailbox at the Parish Center at St. Mary’s, or mailed to 36 Cedar Street, Saugerties. We need an active email address for every family. Please be sure to write clearly on the registration form.
The program for grades 7 & 8 will be a mix of in-person modules as well as online modules. Students do not meet weekly. More information will be forthcoming. A meeting will take place in September to go over the requirements.
We need some teachers, substitutes, assistants, and volunteers this year. If you are interested in joining our program, please contact Alison at [email protected] for more information.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out. We appreciate your patience and understanding. We wish everyone a safe & successful school year.
Peace & Blessings,
Fr. Christopher H. Berean Alison A. Belfance
Rev. Christopher H. Berean Mrs. Alison A. Belfance
Pastor Coordinator of Religious Education