Altar Rosary Society: Cathie Weredyk, 607-435-5481
Altar Servers: Contact the parish office
Boy Scouts: Friday 7:30pm. Call Rob Cote 845-246-9325. Email
Eucharistic Ministers at St. Mary of the Snow: Call Alison Belfance 845-246-4913, email.
Food Pantry: Contact Gabby Baker, 845-247-3454
Holy Name: Call Tom Resso 246-2307
Lectors at St. Mary of the Snow: Call Erin Park 516-941-6916
Lectors at St. Joseph's: Call Sue RInaldi 845-417-4648
RCIA: Monday 7:00pm. Call Deacon Hank Smith 845-246-5195. Email.
Religious Education: Alison Belfance, 845-246-4913, email.
Right-to-Life: Contact Peter Dolan 246-2698
Ushers: Call the main office 246-4913, email.