Can I ask anyone to serve as Godparent?
No. There are a few guidelines for Godparents. Your child's Godparent must:
- be at least 16 years old
- have received the Sacraments of Initiation him/herself. The Sacraments of Initiation are Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. With those three Sacraments, they are fully initiated members of the Catholic Church.
- be practicing the Catholic faith.
What kind of documents are needed?
The Godparent will have to submit a copy of his/her Baptism/Confirmation Certificate, and a "Sponsor Letter".
The Baptism/Confirmation Certificate is easily obtained by contacting the Catholic Church where the Godparent received those Sacraments.
The Sponsor Letter is easily obtained by contacting the Catholic Church where the Godparent currently attends Mass.
Churches are used to sending these documents out with a simple phone call. Those documents should be given to your clergyman well ahead of the Baptism ceremony.
Why does the Godparent have to be a practicing Catholic?
In the Baptism ceremony, the Godparent is literally promising that the child will be raised in the Catholic faith. While the teaching of the faith falls primarily on the parents, the Godparents still play a significant role. In most cases, they will play the role of leading by example in their faith. The child will be able to look up to them to see how to live the Catholic Christian life. If the potential Godparent isn't living the faith, he/she can't make the promise during the Baptism ceremony that the child will learn how to live the faith from him/her.
Why does practicing the faith matter, since lots of people don't go to church?
Throughout Scripture, and human history, God has shown us how He wants to be worshipped. He even gave us the Ten Commandments. The Third Commandment states that we must keep HOLY the Sabbath. We keep it HOLY in the way that He has instructed attending Mass.
God wants us to love Him with all of our heart, soul and mind. So receiving the Sacraments is extremely important, but it doesn't end there. We must then live the faith and never stop studying the faith. Even the Pope continues to do should we!
Are these requirements new?
Definitely not. In fact, from ancient days, the Church has followed these guidelines. One interesting document you can find online is called the Didache, which shows how people were to be brought into the Church. Interestingly, it also shows that the Church has been the source of truth and light from the beginning.
What if I can't find anyone to be a Godparent?
Talk to your clergyman to see if he can suggest someone. That person would participate in the Baptism ceremony, and would be listed on the child's Baptismal certificate.
How long does the ceremony last?
The typical Baptism ceremony lasts about 30 minutes.
What time of day can I have my child Baptized?
Talk to your clergyman. Baptisms typically happen on Saturdays between 11am-3pm, but other times may be arranged throughout the week and weekend.